Goodwill for All
Join us in our journey to create a culture of positive attitude and kindness in our community. If you live in the Dayton region, we would be honored to have you as a member. It is completely free and there is a sense of goodwill for all involved.

Our Vision: Promoting a culture of positive attitude and kindness.
Our Mission: Identify and acknowledge people in the community who have carried out acts of kindness.
The action to acknowledge is simple.
You request the cards, and we send or deliver them to you free of charge. Then you can distribute to anyone that you see doing something kind.
“No act of kindness is too small. We rise by lifting others.”

Would you like to receive cards?
Interested in learning more?
Suggestions for Handing out Cards:
✔ Give then a warm smile. Look for a return smile.
✔ Compliment and thank them for what they did (everyone likes compliments).
✔ Tell them a bit about our club and its purpose.
“Hi, I couldn’t help but notice that you have a great attitude (or just did something very kind, etc) and when I see that, I always like to recognize these efforts by giving you two of these cards – one to recognize you for what you’ve just done and the other for you to give to someone else. That way we can help spread a culture of kindness together. Thank you again for your attitude/kindness.”
✔ Offer them a couple of cards to pass on.
✔ Tell them to keep up the good work, and end with a Thumbs Up (universal sign) and a smile.